Faulty Towers (FT) is a competitive high level climbing challenge. Students compete in 2 teams and are required to plan, construct and in pairs climb their tower of milk crates. Students take turns to rotate through the different roles of belay, climber and construction workers.
Student experiences may include:
- Top Rope Climbing (TRC) on Daradgee’s Faulty Towers (FT)
- Supporting others to learn climbing/belay/milk crate tower construction techniques and strategies eg. use of harnesses, ropes, belay anchors, connecting milk crates
- Working in FT teams to solve a large group challenge eg. all team members take turns to belay, construct their teams' milk crate tower and to climb the tower with a partner in a competitive situation
- Learning from experiences of unfamiliar physical challenges eg. supporting team members with differing skills and abilities
- Improving participation and enjoyment through climbing eg. learning different climbing skills, supporting climbers to follow rules, encouraging others to overcome fears
- Focusing on identifying and developing effective leadership skills and strategies eg. building teamwork, organisation, cooperation and communication
- Debriefing on student’s experiences including benefits of working together to solve FT challenge eg. improving problem solving skills, group relationships, critical and creative thinking
Duration: Approx. 2 – 2.5 hours
FT gives students from year 6-12* the opportunity to work as climbers and in belay teams. FT requires students to take on complex climbing challenges with a focus on team problem solving. *Note. Students from other year levels eg. multi aged classes may participate dependent on ability, size, parental permission.
FT is conducted in our 9 x 15m Indoor Climbing Wall (ICW) shed. This is fully shaded and well ventilated providing a safe all weather option for up approximately 30 students.
Debriefing the session is important in identifying how successfully individuals and teams worked together eg. strategies to raise crates, support other climbers, deconstruct towers.
All adults and students use and wear safety equipment including helmets, harnesses, climbing ropes and anchor points. This equipment and the DEEC staff leading TRC are fully qualified to deliver TRC.
The ICW has sand as soft fall material.